Tag: human resources

What should employers include in their staff handbook.
Employment Law

What should employers include in their staff handbook.

28 March 2023

All employers want to have a workforce that has high productivity and a low staff turnover. To achieve this, your employer should implement a Staff Handbook which contains workplace rules, standards, and procedures. Here, we provide an outline of what employers should include in their staff handbook. What is a staff handbook? A staff handbook […]

What is the law when it comes to paid study leave?
Employment Law

What is the law when it comes to paid study leave?

01 February 2023

Are employees entitled to be paid for time off for training agreed under the right to make a request in relation to study or training? Here, we explore what is the law when it comes to paid study leave? Employees are an organisation’s most valuable assets and therefore it is important to invest in them […]

Things to consider when outsourcing your HR function

Things to consider when outsourcing your HR function

29 September 2022

Outsourcing your HR function has many advantages for small businesses. Saving time and money, access to high-level HR expertise and legal advice, increased efficiency, and compliance with complex employment laws are just some of the benefits. As such, many SMEs choose to outsource HR. In this post, we look at things to consider when outsourcing […]

How to respond to flexible working requests

How to respond to flexible working requests

29 September 2022

Many people enjoyed the flexibility that came with working from home during the pandemic, which may mean that they don’t want to return to the office full time. In a recent YouGov poll of 4,500 adults found that 81% of respondents expected to work from home at least one day a week post-lockdown. 33% expect […]

Are social media policies necessary in the workplace?

Are social media policies necessary in the workplace?

29 September 2022

Social media is a great platform for communicating messages to businesses and clients; you can also deliver important messages to people that matter, it’s all about communication, building relationships and brand awareness. However, because of the power of social media, it is important that you implement policies that control the usage of social media for […]

How to make your workplace more inclusive

How to make your workplace more inclusive

29 September 2022

Inclusivity is a hot topic right now. For companies looking to attract and retain top talent, a diverse and inclusive workplace is vital. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives need to go beyond feel-good, box-checking exercises for HR departments; but they have a marked impact on financial and business success. Despite D&I becoming an increasing priority […]

Snow Days And HR Regulations: Keeping Employees Safe

Snow Days And HR Regulations: Keeping Employees Safe

29 September 2022

With winter fastly approaching, no matter what industry or sector you operate in, it is important to be prepared for the winter weather and the potential impact it may have on your business and your team. Here, we look at Snow Days And HR Regulations: Keeping Employees Safe. Employees must know their rights in challenging […]

Can long covid be a disability and what does it mean for employers?
Employment Law

Can long covid be a disability and what does it mean for employers?

22 August 2022

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has defined ‘long Covid’ – or ‘Post-Covid 19 Syndrome’ – as ‘signs and symptoms that develop during or after an infection consistent with Covid-19, which continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis. It usually presents with clusters of symptoms, […]

What HR Managers need to know about TOIL
Human Resources

What HR Managers need to know about TOIL

27 July 2022

TOIL – Time Off In Lieu – is a term used in the United Kingdom (UK) to describe a type of paid leave that employees can take instead of overtime. The time off in lieu meaning comes from the French phrase ‘in lieu’ which means instead of. While it can be a strange phrase to […]

Returning to the Office After COVID-19
COVID-19 Hub

Returning to the Office After COVID-19

29 April 2021

As the Covid-19 restrictions are being eased, there are several issues employers should consider to ensure they are complying with government guidelines and their duty of care. Returning to the Office As we are progressing through the government’s lockdown lifting plan, employers should be planning for a phased, gradual return to the workplace. While the […]

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