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Why Entrepreneurs Are Choosing the Self-Sponsorship Route to the UK
Business Immigration

Why Entrepreneurs Are Choosing the Self-Sponsorship Route to the UK

11 March 2025

Expanding a business internationally is an exciting prospect, and the UK remains a top destination for entrepreneurs. One of the most effective ways for overseas business owners to establish themselves in the UK is through “self-sponsorship” under the Skilled Worker visa route. While the term ‘Self-Sponsorship Visa’ is widely used, it is not an official […]

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What you should learn as an employer from UBER Drivers legal battle
Employment Law

What you should learn as an employer from UBER Drivers legal battle

09 November 2016

Most of you have heard of Uber or used their service. Recently, an Employment Tribunal ruled that two drivers who provide services to Uber are ‘workers’ within the meaning of the Employment Rights Act 1996. What does this mean? This means that the workers, amongst other rights, will be entitled to :- 5.6 weeks’ paid […]

Snell v Network Rail ETS/4100178/2016
Employment Law

Snell v Network Rail ETS/4100178/2016

02 November 2016

Employers should be aware of the implications of awarding a mother who is on a shared parental scheme with her partner, whether she should be paid enhanced contractual pay to mothers but not to fathers? It was in a recent case where the tribunal decided that it was indirect discrimination to pay a mother enhanced […]

Theresa May uses the former Tony Blair approach to review workers’ rights
Employment Law

Theresa May uses the former Tony Blair approach to review workers’ rights

24 October 2016

Theresa May, the new prime minister has ordered the former head of Tony Blair’s policy unit, Matthew Taylor, to review worker’s current rights at work. Mr Taylor will be investigating parental rights at work, pension auto enrolment, sick pay rights, holiday pay rights, all of which affect millions of workers across the UK. Mr Taylor […]

Top Tips to Motivate your Staff
Employment Law

Top Tips to Motivate your Staff

17 August 2016

Last week we set out some of the top things not to do in the workplace, but this week is all about what you should be doing. As an employer, the people who work for you are your biggest asset. You have hand-picked them, trained them, and you are relying on them to do their […]

5 things you can do as a manager to help employees who are suffering from stress
Employment Law

5 things you can do as a manager to help employees who are suffering from stress

17 August 2016

Many employees suffer from stress in the workplace, this can be caused by long hours, tight deadlines, being overworked or not receiving the required support from the manager. Although some stress can be good, when the stress exceeds an employee’s comfort zone it can have adverse effects on an employee’s physical and mental health as […]

Term of the Week – The Working Time Directive
Employment Law

Term of the Week – The Working Time Directive

28 July 2016

The Working Time Regulations (WTR) 1998 implemented the Working Time Directive (93/104/EC) (EWTD). As an employer you must comply with the WTR 1998. Therefore, it is important you understand your obligations. To make this a little easier, we’ve made them into a handy checklist. If you are an employer you must make sure that you: […]

Why Holiday is Good for Your Employees
Employment Law

Why Holiday is Good for Your Employees

27 July 2016

July in the UK means holiday season, the days are longer, the nights are warmer, and the kids are off school, but with 77% of UK workers not using their full annual leave, we do not seem to be making the most of it. Holidays are vital for a happy and productive working body so […]

Brexit and Travelling Abroad

Brexit and Travelling Abroad

27 July 2016

So we now finally have a new Prime Minister. Things are still a bit uncertain however, and there are so many questions. Particularly for those who have booked holidays to EU countries. With half term starting next week for most children, it’s important that travellers stay up to-date on any new rules that could affect […]

Holiday Pay – What are you Entitled to?
Employment Law

Holiday Pay – What are you Entitled to?

27 July 2016

Post-Brexit may not seem like the best time to be contemplating a holiday, but it is summer time, so for the next few weeks we will be focussing on how best to work and enjoy the benefits of a holiday for the working environment. Starting with Holiday Pay. Most workers who work a 5-day week […]

Brexit and Data Protection – What to do with GDPR?

Brexit and Data Protection – What to do with GDPR?

27 July 2016

While the full implications of Brexit are yet to be determined, there is one area of law which could be significantly affected, and that is Data Protection. In April this year, the EU adopted a new system called General Data Protection Regulation which will come into force in May 2018. Now that the UK has […]

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