Tag: Employees

Failure to conduct risk assessment for breastfeeding employee may amount to sex discrimination
Discrimination Claim

Failure to conduct risk assessment for breastfeeding employee may amount to sex discrimination

08 November 2017

In the case of Otero Ramos v Servicio Galego de Saude, the Claimant was a nurse who worked in a hospital’s accident and emergency unit. She claimed sex discrimination because her employer’s risk assessment for her, as a breastfeeding worker, stated that her work was ‘risk-free’, so her request for an adjustment in her working […]

Top Tips to Motivate your Staff
Employment Law

Top Tips to Motivate your Staff

17 August 2016

Last week we set out some of the top things not to do in the workplace, but this week is all about what you should be doing. As an employer, the people who work for you are your biggest asset. You have hand-picked them, trained them, and you are relying on them to do their […]

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