Tag: employment law

Keeping Your Best Workers: Smart and Legal Ways for UK Businesses
Workplace and employment law

Keeping Your Best Workers: Smart and Legal Ways for UK Businesses

23 July 2024

In today’s tough business world, keeping your best workers is key to your company’s success. But creating good ways to keep staff while following the law can be tricky. Why Keeping Good Workers Matters Keeping skilled workers doesn’t just make work better and happier; it also saves money on hiring and training new people. Losing […]

Get ready for the biggest upheaval in employment law– the King has spoken!
Employment Law

Get ready for the biggest upheaval in employment law– the King has spoken!

19 July 2024

In the King’s Speech yesterday, Labour set out the legislative agenda for their first months in government.  According to the briefing notes, the Employment Rights Bill, which is likely to come in to effect in October 2024, will include: Making parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal available from day 1 (subject to […]

What changes can Employers expect with a Labour Government?
Employment Law

What changes can Employers expect with a Labour Government?

17 July 2024

With Labour in power, employers need to be aware of possible changes to look out for that may be introduced. This blog highlights some of key changes that Labour may implement. Labour stated that they would make sure that the minimum wage is a “real wage” that people can live on. Therefore, it is likely […]

Understanding the impact of AI in the workplace – Insights by Davenport Solicitors
Employment Law

Understanding the impact of AI in the workplace – Insights by Davenport Solicitors

29 April 2024

As the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) grows, the landscape of employment in the UK is undergoing significant shifts. With projections suggesting potential job losses and economic growth opportunities, it’s essential to understand the implications of AI adoption. At Davenport Solicitors, we delve into the complexities of AI’s impact on the UK job market and […]

Top Challenges in Employment Law for UK Businesses and How to Address Them
Employment Law

Top Challenges in Employment Law for UK Businesses and How to Address Them

27 October 2023

Employment law is a complex and ever-evolving area of law. For businesses, navigating the intricacies of employment law can be challenging. Employers must remain compliant with the law, as failing to do so can lead to costly legal disputes, damage to a company’s reputation, and financial penalties. Let’s look at some of the top challenges in employment […]

Busting Employment Law Misconceptions: Get your facts straight
Employment Law

Busting Employment Law Misconceptions: Get your facts straight

23 October 2023

In the complex landscape of employment law, misconceptions can lead employers astray, potentially resulting in legal pitfalls. Employers must have a clear understanding of their obligations and rights. Let’s debunk some common employment law misconceptions to help employers navigate the legal terrain effectively. Misconception 1: Employers Have Absolute Discretion in Employment Contracts Fact: Employment contracts […]

How to Hire Overseas Workers: A Legal Guide for UK Employers
Employment Law

How to Hire Overseas Workers: A Legal Guide for UK Employers

24 August 2023

In today's globalised business landscape, hiring overseas workers can bring fresh perspectives, skills, and talents to your organisation.

How to Promote Workplace Wellbeing
Employment Law

How to Promote Workplace Wellbeing

20 July 2023

Creating a culture of workplace wellbeing is crucial for fostering a positive and productive work environment.

A Comprehensive Guide to Redundancy Law in England 2023
Employment Law

A Comprehensive Guide to Redundancy Law in England 2023

07 June 2023

As a UK-based law firm, we recognise the significance of staying well-informed about the legal requirements in our country. Here is a comprehensive guide to the redundancy law in England. Redundancy is a crucial aspect of employment law, impacting both employers and employees alike. By thoroughly understanding the legal framework surrounding redundancy, you can confidently […]

<strong>How to Handle Grievances in the Workplace: Best Practices and Legal Requirements</strong>

How to Handle Grievances in the Workplace: Best Practices and Legal Requirements

22 May 2023

Effectively handling grievances in the workplace is essential for maintaining a harmonious work environment and preventing legal disputes. Here are some practices and legal requirements to navigate the grievance process. Handling grievances effectively in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring fair treatment of employees. By understanding how to handle […]

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